Don’t Expect. Hope!

Sometimes we muddle up ourselves with these two words. What does it mean to hope? To expect? Yes. Both are looking forward for a response or a feedback from a certain perplexity or just curiosity.

Well, both are two different things. To expect is this:

Jane: I expect that you win this game. John loses.
John: [lost]
Jane: No! You should have…yada yada yada.

To hope is different. It doesn’t take a quick snap to fully understand its essence. It’s learned. You persevere, build your character and you will learn how to hope. Here it goes:

Jane: I hope that you win this game. John loses.
John: [lost]
Jane: It’s alright, you’re still our champion.


When you expect, the outcome is predictable and inevitably foreseen. Simply because you know that it will happen. And when it won’t, you get frustrated. You surrender. Worst case, you beat yourself up which results to self-disappointment, low self-esteem and bitterness.

When you hope, the outcome can be predictable but usually uncertain. You may not know what the result is. Nevertheless, you still believe that it will happen. If it does not, it’s alright. You will not cry over spilled milk because you know that there’s a reason why it didn’t.

Your circumstance may trouble you. You may be experiencing the worst of what life can bring. But remember this:

Romans 5:2b-5

“And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”

It’s not going to be a walk in the park but when you profess your trust in God, all will be well. It may not turn out as how you want it to be. But it can be better. Just with the right response. Trust.

When your dreams meet reality, choose hope.”

Jeff Henderson, North Point Community Church

And yeah, don’t assume.

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